An Open Letter to the Connecticut Department of Labor

Wherein Josh makes an eloquent, concise, and in no way bitter appeal to the powers that be.

The Booking of the Face

Well, it's finally happened. I done went and got this here blog a Facebook page. I'll use that page as my primary blog-type stuff page. (Links to new posts, changes to the site, free iPhones... the usual.).

Once Upon a Time...

...I took pictures. Lots of them. Some of them came out pretty well.

Gratuitous Nerdity

As you may or may not know, I am a bit of a nerd. I loved math in high school. I thought history would be so awesome if only it came in something other than drab monotone.


When we moved into this house, one of the previous tenants left behind a female cat named Clover. She had recently had a litter of kittens (as opposed to sea horses), and the last of the litter was given to a good home a few weeks after we arrived.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gratuitous Nerdity

As you may or may not know, I am a bit of a nerd. I loved math in high school. I thought history would be so awesome if only it came in something other than drab monotone. I have enough useless knowledge in this dome to choke Ken Jennings. (Nerd burn!) I'm pretty sure IMDb, Wikipedia, and TV Tropes are one click away from serving me with an e-restraining order. At times, there have been blackouts:

Wikipedia > Symbolism in The Matrix > Deus Ex Machina > *three hours* > Duct Tape.

It just happens. Generally when the trance is broken, I find myself sitting in bed next to a sleeping girlfriend who somehow manages to look judgmental as she saws lumber sighs contentedly. I like to know stuff. It's not so I can be that guy from Good Will Hunting who tries to make Ben Affleck look like a chooch, only to be schooled by Jason Bourne himself. No, it's just one of my many... idiosyncrasies, we'll call them. (We will call them that because this is my blog, and "weird brain thing" just sounds mean.)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Clover in Question

Since I know you have all been clamoring for a picture of Clover, the wait is finally over. Also included in this picture at no extra charge is Tara.

Friday, June 24, 2011


When we moved into this house, one of the previous tenants left behind a female cat named Clover. She had recently had a litter of kittens (as opposed to sea horses), and the last of the litter was given to a good home a few weeks after we arrived. Clover was very skittish around everyone and refused to be held. Almost immediately, however, she became very attached to our cat, a young male named Gizmo.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nibble Nibble

First, the spam:

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:33 PM, kim Bradly <> wrote:
My name is Kimberly Bradly,an accountant with FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK PLC (FCMB Plc).The reason am contacting you,is for us to work together
in achieving a very legitimate opportunity/prospect in my office that
will be of great benefit to us.
We will share in the ratio of 50/50% at the end of a successful deal.

If you are interested please contact me with a valid telephone number
via this email: for better communication.


Kimberly Bradly.


Naturally, as a concerned citizen of the world, my only choice was to show said concern, which was displayed thusly:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


In the past year or so, I've been guided to the works of Danny Wallace. For those of you that aren't familiar with his work, the Jim Carrey movie "Yes Man" was loosely based on Wallace's book of the same name. The basic premise of the book concerns the trials and tribulations of Wallace's life when he takes a fellow bus rider's simple imploration to "say yes more." One of the many paths this leads Wallace down is that of a relationship he builds with an anonymous author of an email scam. You've been chosen, yada yada, millions of dollars, so on and so forth, all we need is your bank account information, etc., etc. Seeing as he's decided to say "yes" to any offer that comes his way, Wallace is obliged to accept this heavy responsibility. He resulting adventures are often hilarious, and occasionally moving. (Ok, "moving" is a bit much. "Head-shake-worthy" is closer to the truth.)