Wikipedia > Symbolism in The Matrix > Deus Ex Machina > *three hours* > Duct Tape.
It just happens. Generally when the trance is broken, I find myself sitting in bed next to a sleeping girlfriend who somehow manages to look judgmental as she
Wherein Josh makes an eloquent, concise, and in no way bitter appeal to the powers that be.
Well, it's finally happened. I done went and got this here blog a Facebook page. I'll use that page as my primary blog-type stuff page. (Links to new posts, changes to the site, free iPhones... the usual.).
As you may or may not know, I am a bit of a nerd. I loved math in high school. I thought history would be so awesome if only it came in something other than drab monotone.
When we moved into this house, one of the previous tenants left behind a female cat named Clover. She had recently had a litter of kittens (as opposed to sea horses), and the last of the litter was given to a good home a few weeks after we arrived.